We will have service today! We are here! We will have service today, February 9th. Service begins at 10:45 am.

Healing Prayer

Meet with our prayer team to help you remove blocks and barriers to faith.

If you sense that something is not right in your spiritual life and you have been unable to put your finger on it, then Healing Prayer may be for you. If you are struggling with unforgiveness, a past hurt, or some other spiritual issue that you cannot seem to overcome, then Healing prayer may be needed.

We are huge advocates of seeking counseling at Living Christ Church, however, sometimes the issues that we are trying to address are actually spiritual and need to be addressed spiritually. We are here to help. Over the years we have had several counselors refer people to us. We then help people remove the spiritual block and then they can return to counseling and continue on their journey.

We use several different prayer models to help people remove these blocks and barriers in their spiritual lives. Each prayer session looks a little different from the last but the end result is almost always the same, Jesus is glorified, and people find freedom and feel seen, heard, and loved by Him.


A Healing Prayer Session takes approximately two hours and is made up of a facilitator, members of the Healing Prayer Team as prayer partners, and the candidate seeking healing.

  • E-mail questions to info@lccnyack.org and one of our Pastors will reach out to you, or call the church office at (845) 358-3125.

Before you attend a prayer session please fill-out the Pre-interview Questionnaire

A helpful resource we offer called, "The 4 R's," can be used in personal preparation for a prayer session with our team. Some even find that after walking through the 4 R's they no longer need a group session. You can access the 4 R's by clicking the button below.

"Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. "

- Psalm 107:19-20