We will have service today! We are here! We will have service today, February 9th. Service begins at 10:45 am.

Required forms for all Youth and Children Volunteers

If you're interested in serving with our Children and Youth please fill out the forms on this page.

We are SO excited that you are interested in serving the next generation here at Living Christ Church. Below we have three steps that are vital to us here at LCC. We want to foster a safe and accessible environment to experience God. We do so by having all youth and children volunteers undergo a training. It's very simple yet very important.

  1. The first step in our process is, reading through a slideshow that will train you on the different procedures we have in place as a part of this program we use called "Safe Place". It is designed to keep our children safe and in good health while they are in our care.
  2. After that, the next link contains a google form that will test you about the things that are detailed in the training. (This training is open book so don't worry!) The only goal of this is to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the various procedures and policies. Once completed and marked correctly, you will be considered Safe Place Certified!
  3. Lastly, there is a background check consent form. Once it is completed, we are able to run you through our system and notify our children and youth leaders that you are approved to join the team!